Since many swedish children comes in contact with English an early age. I was fortunate to begin studying it in 4th Grade, when I was nine years old. When I was thirteen I read JRR Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings for the first time. Even though it was quite a challenge, I enjoyed it very much. As the years passed and I continued to read, listen and speak English my ability got steadily better and now I can, with some pride, say that I am fluent. So the week's theme is Language. Hope you'll enjoy this challenge. Im looking forward to see your entries. Enjoy!

The Rules:
Each week we will post an original photo with words on it. The idea behind this group is to expand our minds through our photography.
Photos must be your own, but the words can be someone else's as long as credit is given after the words.
Your post can either be serious, or if you'd like comical, but never obscene .
Posts can either have one word on them,quotes, or full poems ... Your choice.
All posts are to be done on your own site in a blog form with a link back to it being left here.
New topics will be posted on Sundays.
Posts can be made through Saturday.
One post per person only please